Monday, October 29, 2012

A Message to all Earth Humans

It appears that I have been appointed to tell the people of Earth that this planet is not a synthesized and custom-made habitat for us to enjoy without inconvenience until the end of time. It is an independent and ever-shifting planet that we happen to able to survive on. It is a planet of continental drift, solar flares, floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions - evolution, extinction, magnetic reversal of the poles, and from time to time, CLIMATE CHANGE.

How ignorant we must be to think that the Earth will put all this on hold so the humans can go about doing whatever it is that they do. Why is the thought of a coastline changing at some point in our lifetime so shocking? And if somebody stands up and says "global warming", I'm going to cut a bitch.

Yes, the earth is getting hotter. Do you think the Neanderthals called a national conference to discuss the impending Ice Age? Because, news flash: the Earth has gone through periods of becoming colder, and periods of becoming hotter for many, many billions of years. Sure, our presence probably isn't helping. But are we so self-absorbed that we think it all must be directly of our own doing, instead of the Earth just trying to hit the "reset" button? The Earth has survived impacts from asteroids and meteor showers - I think it can handle a little bit of pollution. But does it want to? No. So here comes climate change.

There's nothing we can do to stop it. Nothing at all. Even if we leveled all the Wal-Marts, decommissioned Halliburton and turned the entire planet into a groovy co-op, we'd still be in the same boat. We need to accept that the Earth will continue to shift for ever and ever, until the end of time, which may be upon us shortly anyways. So pour yourself a drink and consider relocating inland. We can't stop the turmoil, but we can at least get better seats.

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