If one of my stupid ass-hat friends had come up with this costume, I'd probably drink to it. I wouldn't think it was the most enlightened thing ever, but I'd eat my words.
But here is somebody who makes millions of dollars by putting out terrible, awful music which perpetuates this culture-less cesspool that is America. He will never have to worry about financial security, where his next meal will come from, and foreign soldiers won't burst through his windows to drop a grenade. What a lucky fellow.
So why not dress up as possibly one of the most disadvantaged people in the world?
"But, Rusty, the terrorists are the bad guys!" The existence of Middle-Eastern terrorists is up for debate, because if you want to see the real terrorists, you needn't look past our own elected officials.
I don't see a terrorist. I see a man native to one of the many Arab counties who is ready to defend his home from the invasion of American soldiers with an agenda to control the Holy Land.
I believe it was Katt Williams who said, "Do you know what an Iraqi soldier looks like? I'll give you a minute..." He went on to make the point that our soldiers aren't fighting their soldiers - they're fighting guys in flip-flops and baseball caps.
And although Halloween is over, next year you can dress up like an Aboriginal man - dirty, drunk and wearing rags because he and his culture were entirely displaced when his native land was commandeered by the British empire. G'day, mate! Or you know what would be even better? You could dress up like one of those crazy African guys with a machine gun! Its so hilarious how corrupt government groups kidnap children as young as 2 or 3, and brainwash them to go back and take out their own village with an automatic rifle. SOOO funny!
Well I'll let you guys get started. Only 364 more days until we have another chance to exploit cultures we have no understanding of. GO tolerance!
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