Friday, September 21, 2012

Wooly Bully

This is a topic I will probably address again in the future, but here it is right now.

I am being driven crazy by this new anti-bully initiative. Its all just nonsense. You can't legislate how people treat each other. You can't outlaw being an asshole. But damn it, they're trying.

Somebody got their feelings hurt? Stop the fucking presses.

It is astounding to me to see everybody fussing over this woman's "plight". The way I understand this whole incident is as follows:

1) Woman gets job as bus monitor.
2) Children on bus say mean things to her.
3) ????

I am puzzled as to why this story garnered so much attention. It has "shocked" so many people, but I'm guessing these people don't get out much. Some young teenage boys said mean things to an older woman in a position of authority? NO. FUCKING. WAY.

This woman didn't even deserve her job if she can't ignore verbal diarrhea from some ill-bred fucktwits. But the way the media sees it, this woman suffered unduly, and she needs reparations. $700,000 to be exact.

If this is the case, I should be a fucking millionaire after everything I experienced in school. Seriously, if people get donations for hurt feelings, I should have run crying to Bill O'Reilly a long time ago.

I guess I grew up in the wrong time to profit from being bullied.

Back in the day, I was punched in the face by a boy twice my age on the bus. With a bloody nose, I went to the bus driver, and you know what she told me? She told me to go sit the fuck back down. And that was just the way it was. Now, a kid gets seran wrapped to a tree and everybody shouts "ABUSE!"

Listen, lady - seran wrap is not scary. I know you think it could have become "very serious" if they got a few more layers on there - maybe it would never come off? But doctors have perfected a way to surgically remove a penis and revamp it into a functioning vagina - I'm pretty sure they could handle removing a few layers of glad wrap. But taking into account that your daughter "doesn't know" how she got wrapped in plastic, you've got other things to worry about.

I hear it on the news and on radio shows, I read about it in the paper and on the internet - people are outraged by the bullies. But nobody has taken the time to consider that bullies might actually be an essential cog in the wheel of life.

If I never got picked on in school, I never would have never learned how to stand up for myself, and I'd be walking around for the rest of my life as a doormat.

There's assholes in the real world (shocker), so why not learn to deal with them in school? You can't build character if nobody around you does anything polarized. But in the future, we won't have to worry about that, because having a personality will be outlawed, too.

1 comment:

  1. it's very sad that you don't see the seriousness of bullying. It's never ok to bully someone for any reason. It's appalling that you would even write this. This is disgusting.
